Highland Ave
Piedmont Drug Store, 354 Highland Ave.
Started before 1916

Oakland Tribune - Fri - Jan. 28, 1916
First mention I see of the pharmacy in Piedmont in the news.
Oakland Tribune - Sun - Aug. 11, 1918:
Mrs. Sterling's body was cremated at the Oakland crematory. The inquest brought out that a calendar with the date "August 8" circled with a heavy line, was found in the bedroom of Mrs. Sterling, Indicating that she had planned death and had set the date. It was said that she purchased the cyanide of potassium, with which she ended her
ilfe, at a Piedmont drug store several days ago, saying she wanted it
to kill cats.
According to her sister, Mrs. Harry Maxwell, Mrs. Sterling spent her last afternoon in her garden in "complete freedom of thought," and, after years of a melancholy disposition, suddenly became cheerful, as one who anticipated great happiness.

Oakland Tribune - Wed - Jun. 26, 1918

Drug Trade Weekly Volume 3, 1920:
The Piedmont Drug Co., Piedmont, Cal., a suburb of San Francisco, is now being conducted under the ownership of R. S. Baker and W. B. Brazelton, formerly with the Bowman Drug Co. of Oakland. The business was purchased from Mrs. A. L. Leber, whose husband passed away early in the year of influenza.
[...] Albert Leber, a resident of Oakland, Cal., for more than fifty years and a pioneer druggist of that city, passed away at his home in that city on Jan. 20, of pneumonia. He established one of the first stores in the vicinity of Seventh and Myrtle Streets and a few years ago opened a store in Piedmont, another suburb of San Francisco. He was at one time a member of the State. Board of Pharmacy.
[...] A new drug store has been opened at 354 Highland avenue, Piedmont, Cal., by W. L. Ferard, formerly with the Wakelee Pharmacies, San Francisco.
N.A.R.D. Journal Volume 31 1920:
A new drug store has been opened in the Piedmont district, Oakland, by W. L. Ferard, who was formerly manager of the Wakelee pharmacy, Powell and Ellis streets, San Francisco.
The San Francisco and Pacific Druggist Volume 26 1921:​
W. L. Ferard, owner of the Piedmont Drug Co., Piedmont has had two new sections of shelving added to wall fixtures and also has had a balcony and additional shelving put up in the back room. The improvments were made to take care of the increased stock.
The San Francisco Examiner - Tue - May 18, 1920:
With 80 per cent of the funds raised to date, contributed directly into the boxes of the street workers, the Salvation Army Home Service campaign entered upon its last stage in Alameda county yesterday.
According to the campaign committee, an unusual situation has developed. The public has shown an amazing readiness to contribute, but the contributions must be sent for.
Evidence of the attitude of the public is shown when the contribution boxes are opened each evening. Twenty dollar bills are frequently found, and even stamps and thrift stamps have been dropped into the boxes,
Developments of yesterday included the rounding up of two men suspected of collecting donations without authorization. The men denied the charges, made substantial contributions and were dismissed.
Piedmont people are asked to contribute at the Piedmont drug store, 354 Highland avenue, where arrangements have ben made to issue receipts,
Ferrard Pharmacy, 354 Highland Ave.

Oakland Tribune - Fri - Nov. 16, 1923

1926 Miss Ransom yearbook
Springman’s Pharmacy
Started around 1927
Oakland Tribune - Thu - Nov. 19, 1970:
Memorial For Gustav Springman
Private memorial services have been held here for Gustav H. Springman, who operated Springman's Pharmacy in Piedmont for 42 years before retiring a year ago.
Mr. Springman, a native of Philadelphia, died at Peralta Hospital in Oakland Sunday at the age of 75. He lived at 605 Mountain Blvd. here. Suriving are his widow, Pauline; two sons, Philip of Lafayette and Gerald of Carmichael, and eight grandchildren,

Oakland Tribune - Thu - Jan. 10, 1935

Oakland Tribune - Tue - Feb. 6, 1962

Grand Ave
Wildwood Pharmacy
(This was actually in Oakland on the border of Piedmont where the liquor store is now across from the Shell gas station)
Del Monte Grocery and unknown Pharmacy, Grand Ave​
Started sometime around 1923

Oakland Tribune - Wed - Jul. 27, 1927
Oakland Tribune - Sun - May. 13, 1923
The San Francisco Examiner - Fri - Feb. 8, 1929:
The record reveals that in creating the so-called business district the city selected two distinct areas situate in different sections of the city. Together they contain less than one acre of land. One parcel, the smaller one, is situate on the southerly corner of Grand and Linda avenues, directly opposite plaintiff's property. It has a frontage of only 75 feet on Grand avenue and 125 feet on Linda avenue, and at the time of the enactment of the ordinance was completely occupied by two stores, a general market and a drugstore, leaving no available space whatever for the development of future business.