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League of Women Voters in Piedmont

Oakland Tribune - Sun - Mar. 1, 1965

From the League's website:


It was over 70 years ago that a group of women in Piedmont gathered together to begin our League of Women Voters. The first meeting of the proposed provisional LWV of Piedmont was held on October 29, 1947. Mrs. Lawrence Fletcher, temporary chair, introduced UC Political Science Professor Harris, who spoke on " The Role of the Citizen in Government." Two study groups were formed. One group studied the Piedmont City Government, the City Charter, Civil Service and a proposed Education amendment.

In November of 1947 the group sent an application to the LWV of California for recognition as a Provisional League with 50 paid members ($3.50 each). The first treasurer's report showed a $161.39 balance. Mrs. Ed Wallace was the first president. January 14, 1948, was the closing date for charter membership with 110 members listed. Early interests included the schools, Public Health Services in Alameda County, and the Piedmont Community Swimming Pool (defeated). 


In the 50's our local program supported community planning for an adequate recreational program including a swimming pool, sound pensions for all city employees and a high level of education for children in the Piedmont Schools, including guidance and counseling. The League sent a letter to the Board of Education expressing our interest and also offered to help with improving the physical plant. Other interests include the United Nations and World Trade.


In the 60's and 70's we supported school bonds and studied Juvenile Justice. The issue of the Oakland Library arose and several studies were done. "Piedmont... Our Town" was published and updated. The booklet describes the city’s history and government, and includes information on education, public services, community life and voting.


In the 80's our Candidates Nights and Pro and Con evenings were taped by the local Community TV channel KCOM. We studied child care and local planning as well as transportation and growth in Alameda County and the state. The 80's ended with a LWVC study on transportation and growth in California and the Alameda County Affidavit Project was organized. We supported the action campaign supporting a woman's right to reproductive choice and marched as a group in the San Francisco pro-rights march. We participated in the discussions regarding the choice of recycling companies and the big items for debate at Candidates' Night were lighting and leaf blowers. There was a "Thinking Woman's Fashion Show" in honor of the LWV 70th birthday. Interest in Gun Control issues began.


In the 90's the League continued to maintain positions for quality education in Piedmont and to support free library services. We celebrated the 20th anniversary of the US Judiciary at a fundraiser and pursued improved recycling options. Under the direction of Barbara Peters and Ann Lyman we began a local study of gun control. This culminated in adoption of the Gun Control Position by LWV United States in 1998. Great Decisions Discussion groups were organized in 1991 and continue to meet every spring 26 years later. Do you remember our October, 1991, fundraiser that was canceled as a result of the disastrous Oakland Hills Fire? After the '89 earthquake and the '91 fire, we held meetings on Disaster Preparedness in Piedmont. We began to look at campaign finance reform and health care. We all became computer-savvy and were able to access state and national League websites saving much time and money. Our own Piedmont website went up in February, 2001.


In the first decade of the 21st century we:

  • Joined the Million Mom March

  • Studied a variety of Voting Systems.

  • Registered High School voters

  • Began to look at Energy Issues

  • Calculated out ecological footprints

  • Learned about "Slow Food."

  • Started Field Trips: EBMUD, Oakland Port, Waste Management Recycle Facility, Bay Bridge Construction.

  • Helped with the LWVC Convention in Oakland

  • Participated in State studies on Energy and Education

  • Joined Piedmont Diversity Committee, PAAC and PAAL to present Diversity Films

  • Anguished over Voting systems-electronic and paper


Thanks to Karin Mai and Mary Ann Benson for this historical summary. Two of our presidents have gone on to become president of the LWVCalifornia: Margaret Hayes Parsons and Gail Dryden.

Oakland Tribune - Thur - April. 6, 1964

Mrs. Fletcher was the first President of The League of Women Voters of Piedmont

Oakland Tribune - Thu - Jun. 28, 1973

New Piedmont Guide Published


The League of Women Voters of Piedmont has published the latest revision of its guide to Piedmont.


The Piedmont City Council will mail copies of "Piedmont-Our Town" to every home in the city.


Mrs. John Reynolds is editor of the first new edition since 1964. The publication
includes Piedmont history, government structure, courts and local laws, public education, city finances, public services and community life. Two new sections include special districts and county services.


A directory for city services and a map of the city are also included.

Three Piedmont artists, Mrs. Robert Livsey, Mrs. David Lee and Mrs. Margareta Slutzkin contributed pen and ink sketches.

Financing of the publication was by League of Women Voters and the following sponsors: Robert F. Atkinson, Mitchell and Austin, Piedmont Properties, the Grubb
Company, Grubb and Ellis, Sumitomo Bank, Standard Oil of California, Piedmont Cablevision and Mason-McDuffie.

piedmont - lwv - our town 2_edited.jpg
piedmont - lwv - our town 1_edited.jpg

© 2025

The History of Piedmont site was created by a Piedmont, California resident, Meghan Bennett, on 4/20/2021. The site is a passion project to share history of Piedmont and is not associated with the Piedmont Historical Society.

(this site does not generate any revenue)

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