I've started the long process of going through the history of the homes in Piedmont, the architects, the neighborhoods and historical information on some of the homeowners here. The highly publicized grandiose homes will be featured but so will the other homes that aren't always talked about starting in the early 1800s when Don Luis Peralta owned 14,330 acres of land on the east side of San Francisco Bay to the squatters in the mid 1800s and finally the 1930s when the majority of the lots in Piedmont had been divided.
The blog will be continuously updated, even some posts after they have been updated and more history has been found.
Alameda Daily Argus - Fri - Sep. 23, 1892
Alameda Daily Argus - Tue - Jan. 31, 1911
Edit: Since writing this I have been given an influx of Piedmont history which has put this part of the project on hold. I do have a list of every house in Piedmont, they year they were built and will continue to go through newspapers and photos to match the homes with the houses. Neighborhood pictures, maps and advertisements will also be added. It will be a long project but eventually done.