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HoP: A look to the Future #16


A Look to the Future

by Patricia Canty


The future expansion of the Oakland Harbor is practically assured. The present rapid development, it seems to me, is but a dim picture of that which is to follow. Shipyards, terminals, and general docks are destined to line the estuary, and it will be but a short time before Oakland will rank as one of the world's wonder ports. Another step in this direction has just been taken by Congress declaring a sub-port of entry, and granting the city a customs house of its own. This move is the first step in world commercial independence.


Oakland, the "Cinderella of Harbors" is about to don her full-fledged robes of royalty among the sister ports of the world! The influence of the new Posey Tube has already been felt in the development of the harbor which, as I said before, is destined to rank among the world's foremost ports.


Closely related to the city's maritime future, is the Oakland Airport which, in 1928, gave the first real evidence of its importance to civic development. The superiority of the Airport over other flying fields in the Bay area was definitely recognized by the leading organizations participating in commercial aviation, making Oakland the chief terminus for transcontinental airmail and passenger service.


All of these great commercial developments have had a marked bearing on the city’s future industrially. They have added to Oakland’s natural supremacy as a factory site, man-made advantages, which have been recognized in the selection of the Oakland area as the location for the Pacific Coast plants of some of the nation's greatest manufacturers.


Because of the fact that last year, experts in choosing factory sites saw the justice of Oakland's claim to manufacturing and distributive superiority, this region will soon be the Western home of such products as Chrysler, Dodge and Ford automobiles, Fisher bodies, Seiberling Tires, and many other nationally famed wares both in and out of the automotive field, in addition to the millions of dollars' worth of other commodities now manufactured here.


From industrial development, it is an easy step to a consideration of Oakland's future as a retail shopping center. It is to be anticipated that the opening of the new home of the H.C. Capwell Company, will have a tremendous bearing on the retail trade of future years, for it will not only make the "shop in Oakland" idea more appealing to Oakland residents, but It will extend that idea to a far wider area than is now served by Oakland stores. Without question, it will also have its influence on new construction of retail establishments, and we may expect to see numbers of well known trans-bay stores establishing attractive head-quarters in the Oakland shopping area.


As is the way of swiftly growing cities, it is conceivable that 1929 might exceed even the banner results of general prosperity evident in all industry in 1928.


With the optimistic outlook of Oakland's industrial and commercial activities assured, Piedmont's prosperity is certain. Owing to the rather uncertain present state of affairs regarding stores and business, it is almost impossible to predict the feasible outcome. Piedmont is expanding and will continue to expand as a home gem in the heart of lovely, rolling hills. Opinions are varied to the probability of Piedmont’s becoming a shopping center and her future in this respect is still a great deal up in the air. However the real estate men are optimistic and the value of property is steadily increasing.


Taking into consideration the fortunate year preceding this and the great advance made industrially and commercially in the Eastbay I would anticipate, in all faith, an even greater year in 1929, and for many years to come.





© 2025

The History of Piedmont site was created by a Piedmont, California resident, Meghan Bennett, on 4/20/2021. The site is a passion project to share history of Piedmont and is not associated with the Piedmont Historical Society.

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